USB Keyboards work with a cIOS with base 38 Works 100% with WiiConnect24 on using CoverFloader (No Freezes whatsoever), and with rev14. Will occasionally get "data is corrupted on all usb loaders". If your HDD goes to sleep, dialogs and such will take a while to load since it has to wake it back up. Use 1.1 or above(1.0 has a bug with the time). Runs perfectly with Cfg USB Loader v52bx2 IOS249 Rev17 (OLD: Only Guitar works - drums/mic turn off when game starts)Īgatha Christie's And Then There Were None Works perfectly with IOS 250 on USB Loader GX, works perfectly with standard settings (and IOS 249) on Configurable USB Loader.ĬIOS38 rev 14 - USB Mic works fine. In some scenes necessarly to force NTSC even on PAL Works flawlessly - USB Loader GX, and Configurable. Sometimes freezes / Works perfectly with 4.0E rev12 USBloader gx r559 (no sound problem, like it had with dvd backup loader) No problem:USB Loader v.1.5,backup lancher 0.3 3.3E # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Game NameĤ.0U REV10 GX REV549 No Problems at all | Works perfectly on 4.0u cIOS REV9, cIOS REV13a with USB Loader GX REV 516 To add an entry, copy and paste the following into a new line Game has not been tested, or the test results were unclear. Games that do not load and have major problems and/or are unplayable, or have consistent lock ups. Games that mostly work but with more serious but playable bugs, or random lockups (random doesn't mean lock up every time at the same spot in the game). Games that work 100% or have few/very minor issues, like stuttering audio, or other things that don't affect gameplay. Every person should then add 1 to that when they have tested it as working and change the confirmation date.

only people who have it working should post info.

#Mohaa aimbot corruption 4.5 latest iso#
Throw away the game iso and reload from an uncorrupted source. If it's a game others have given a green light, that is a strong possibility.

Game Troubleshooting: PLEASE READ BEFORE EDITING Vandals will be banned and their IP blocked from further edits.
#Mohaa aimbot corruption 4.5 latest free#
Game Compatibility Table for USB/SD LoadingĪnyone is free to edit this list though you must create an account first. ALL # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z